Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fiber does a body good

So Cameron is on Fiber tablets due to some obvious problems that we don't need to talk about...lol. He is supposed to take one everyday. Well Breanne has grown to love them like any other tasty medicine (she is just like that). She always comes to me and asks me if she can have one and a vitamin. I know both my kids probably don't get enough fiber in their diet so it is no big deal. I always let her take them in the evening around dinner. Well last night just like any other night she comes to me and asks and I say yes. So about 1 hour later her tummy starts hurting. Not even thinking about anything I just thought great she is getting sick AGAIN...Ugh!! So about 30 min after that Sean feels her tummy. It is really hard and sort of bloated. He decides to look up what can make you bloated. The first thing he finds is too much fiber. Breanne loves to eat fiber one bars so Sean goes and asks how many she has had today. I immediately think of the fiber tablets. I asked if he asked her about that. He said yes and she said she only ate one. Well me knowing Breanne goes over and asks her again how many fiber tablets did you eat? She tells me one. I asked her to promise me and we have always taught our kids that a promise is a promise, she decides to tell me the truth. She did eat more. She doesn't remember how many more though. So at this point I am worried she is going to get overdose poisioning or something. So I call the nurse at our doctors office. She tells me to call poison control. Now I am really freaking out!! So I call and she tells me it is fine she can't get poisoned from that, THANK GOD!! So she tells me to make her drink lots of water so it will work through her system, which about another 90 mins from this point it does. She had the runs for like 20 minutes. As bad as I felt for her I was happy that it did something to her so that she realized how serious this is. We had a long talk also about how taking too much medicine can make you die or extremely sick. We didn't make it look pretty by any means. I REALLY REALLY hope she learned her lesson. She was in quite a bit of pain there for about an hour or so. So I think that along with the runs she won't ever do it again. I have also learned that I can't trust her to get her own from now on until she matures a little more and really understands the meaning of "medicine". I can't believe her sometimes. I was talking to Sean last night and saying how Cameron would never do this. He wouldn't have done this at 4. He is one that follows my rules to a T. I could tell him he can only have two cookies and leave and know that he would only eat 2 cookies. Breanne would have at least 4 and possibly more. This little girl at two was sneaky. Just two totally different personalities for sure. Well I am just very thankful that it was only a fiber overdose and not something more major. What a fun filled night it was!! :-)

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