Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 Here we come!!

I want to first say Happy New Year to everyone! I am excited for a new year. A new start on life. Last year all in all was a great year. God really gave us some obstacle's this year. Some that I first of all never thought would happen to us and some that I just plain never thought I/we could get through. He got us threw it all and here we are still one happy family. I for sure have God to thank for that. I know that he was there the whole time carrying me through some of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with. I know he helped me personally but helped our family too. I know that everything that happened there is a reason behind each and every one of them. I know that I really wanted another child. For whatever reason God didn't want that to happen. I am now ok with that. I wasn't for a long time and it really took a lot of tears to get here. I know that God has some kind of plan and I have to trust that. Ok so enough of the sad part of our year. I got to do some pretty cool things also. I spent the first 6 months homeschooling the kids. All though it had its tough times I am glad I did it. I loved getting to spend that extra time with them that goes by so fast. We also got to have Shawni (our neice) come and stay with us for the summer. It was a really crazy time for our family when she was here but she honestly got me through a lot of it. I was happier with her around!! It was a lot of fun. Then we got to move to Olympia which was a true blessing from God. The kids are in a great school and I love our neighborhood. We get way more time with Sean now since we live close to his job for once. It made a great end to the year for us. We have really gotten closer I think through it all. I am truly looking forward to what God has planned for us in 2010. I really hope it is a great year!! Here is a recap of pics from the whole year. A great way to say goodbye to 2009!! :-)

January 2009 (Look at Breanne's hair in this pic)

February 2009 (Breanne's b-day party)

Ice Skating

March 2009

April 2009 (Klamath Falls, OR with the whole family)

May 2009

June 2009 (Our trip to Iowa)

Breanne's Dance Recital

July 2009

August 2009

September 2009 (first day of school)

October 2009
November 2009

Last but not least December 2009 (Cam & Bre wrestling)

This is all on her own. I guess maybe she was cold???

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Our Christmas morning

We had a great Christmas morning! We told the kids to not wake us up until 7:30. They are the type of kids that will wake us up at 5 AM and I wasn't having So they come and get us up on the dot. The first thing that was said is "I'm sorry momma but I broke the thing that holds my stocking". This is Cameron telling me this. He said he just wanted to peek into what Santa got him and he pulled and it all came down. Well I was a little disappointed since it is the second time this has happened. I guess I am getting new stocking holders next year. The kids loved everything that they got. We pretty much were lazy all day playing with all of our new toys. The kids had fun playing with all of their new stuff. My mom was here and we had dinner and dessert and that was pretty much the whole day. It was very quiet, calm, and relaxing!! Another great Christmas together!! I can't believe now it is almost 2010. WOW how time flies by! Sean started getting sick on Christmas day and now today he is really sick. I feel so bad for him. It seems like he was just sick about 2 months ago. I am hoping this is the worst of it and he will be feeling better tomorrow! I hope everyone else had a great Christmas day! Happy New Years to all! I hope it is better than the last. :-)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Lights

We went out tonight to look at Christmas lights. It is always so hard to find the good places. I looked up on the internet where some good places are. All I could find was some addresses off of a news sight. They were all good ones. I was hoping to find a neighborhood that had lots of lights. We pretty much ended up going from address to address. The last house that we went to look at actually had quite a bit of other houses in the neighborhood. By then the kids were getting tired so we didn't look that much more. We will have to go out one more time to see if we can find a good area with lots of them. Sean just got a new lense for Christmas for his camera. He was really excited to use it. Here are some pics that he got while we were out.