Saturday, May 22, 2010

Today Sucks!!!

Today I am REALLY missing my husband!! It has been six days since I have seen him and I still have 6 days to go. It has been a really crazy week with the kids being sick and really moody. It has been that kind of week where I feel like I can't do anything right for them. Every one of their emotions got taken out on me. It was hard to deal with. It is harder when Sean isn't here either to sorta back me up. 41 days to go until we move. I CAN'T WAIT!!! The kids are even getting excited. It is exactly 6 weeks from today we will be walking out of this house and saying goodbye. That seems crazy to me. A little sad too. I am going to miss so many people. I hope to still stay in touch with some people and hope the distance doesn't effect anything. I will miss my mom lots too! I am sad to be far from her. :-( Anyway Sean if you read this. I love you with all my heart and can't wait to see you!! I hate this distance but just know that we will make it through it. See you soon! <3 <3 <3

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