Sunday, May 9, 2010

So it starts.....

So today Sean officially left for Ephrata. He starts his job tomorrow. He is really looking forward to his new job. I am so sad to see him leave. I know it will probably fly by. I am just sad that we have to be apart for the next two months. It is exactly 54 days and we will be moving there. I am soooooo excited.

I had the best Mother's Day today. Sean made me breakfast right when I woke up. French toast my favorite! Then he went and got me a coffee. He is soooo sweet. Then I got to open my cards and gifts. Breanne made me a vase that you hang on the wall with a fake flower to go inside. It is very pretty with glitter and everything. Cameron sent me a letter in the mail from school. It said that I was the best mom in the universe. He thanked me for all that I do for him. It totally melted my heart. It was so sweet. Sean got me a charm necklace that I have been really wanting. It has all of their birthstones in it. It was really cool. You can buy more charms for it as well. I also got my favorite candy and a bath and body works gift card. We spent the middle of the day doing laundry and packing for Sean to leave. Then we went out to dinner at Red Robin. I got to choose. It was really good. Then we came home and said our goodbyes to Sean since he had to leave. :-( It was a great day though. One that I won't forget anytime soon.

We get to see Sean next Friday so we only have to go 5 days this first time without seeing him. Josh and Jill are coming this way and offered to bring him along and drop him off. I can't wait! Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's out there! I hope your day was as special as mine. 8-)

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