Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So things are going so much better this week. The kids seem to be doing better emotionally with Sean gone. We think we found our house. I am so excited about it. It is a beautiful house with a view of Moses Lake at night. 8-) We pretty much have it if we want it. I just need to see it to make sure. I get to see my hubby in 3 days. I am waaaayyyyy excited about that. Things just seem to be moving much smoother this week than last. It was a rough week!

So the reason for my title you ask?? We were all getting ready for school this morning. We all woke up later than normal so we were trying to move a little faster than normal also. All of a sudden all of the smoke detectors start going off. There are 5 of them total and I think they were ALL going off. UGH!!!! I am smelling and looking for a fire. Breanne is in the shower and starts screaming for me because she is scared. I calmed her down and continue looking for a fire. It is really hard to think with 5 smoke detectors going off all at the same time. Oh my gosh. It was crazy. I am not sure if it was the steam from Bre's shower that set them off or what. I am thinking that one of them has a low battery so I am having my landlord come down today to change it. Something I would normally do myself but it is up really high since we have vaulted ceilings. Thank goodness I figured out how to shut them off. I used the broom and waved it in front of it and it worked. Wow I truly thought there was a fire. I have never had them all go off at the same time. LOL. It is funny now but I was shaking for awhile afterwards. Great start to my day. HA HA HA HA!!!!! 8-)

I just love the picture on the top and the story to how I got it. I was boiling water in a pan that was on the smaller end. The water kept boiling over the side. Instead of dumping water out of the pan I just let it do it. Anyway after the noodles were cooked I took the pan off the burner and that picture is what I saw. LOL. It happened from the water boiling over. I just thought it was so funny and sorta cute!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Today Sucks!!!

Today I am REALLY missing my husband!! It has been six days since I have seen him and I still have 6 days to go. It has been a really crazy week with the kids being sick and really moody. It has been that kind of week where I feel like I can't do anything right for them. Every one of their emotions got taken out on me. It was hard to deal with. It is harder when Sean isn't here either to sorta back me up. 41 days to go until we move. I CAN'T WAIT!!! The kids are even getting excited. It is exactly 6 weeks from today we will be walking out of this house and saying goodbye. That seems crazy to me. A little sad too. I am going to miss so many people. I hope to still stay in touch with some people and hope the distance doesn't effect anything. I will miss my mom lots too! I am sad to be far from her. :-( Anyway Sean if you read this. I love you with all my heart and can't wait to see you!! I hate this distance but just know that we will make it through it. See you soon! <3 <3 <3

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Drama Drama Drama

So tonight after we got back from our party this is what I dealt with. I decided to take a video so one day I can show Breanne how she used to act. This was basically due to being overtired. It is the only time she acts this way. This was all over me not letting her have cotton candy tonight. I am such a mean mommy. I am linking her tiredness to the fact that she was sick yesterday and then had a LONG day today. I am sure her body is still in fight mode to get all the yucky bugs out. Anyway I had to share the video. It is pure drama. She was just way beyond tired. You can't see anything because it was mostly dark in the room so you just have to listen. I love you Breanne!! 8-)

Chuck E Cheese

Cam and Bre got invited to a bday party at Chuck E Cheese. They had a great time with their friends. Breanne is better today thank goodness. Here are some pics from the party. 8-)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Are you blonde??

So this morning Breanne was talking to me about seeing something. I told her I couldn't see it from where I was. She then goes "Are you blonde"?? I laughed so hard since I knew what she was trying to say. I told her blonde is a hair color and then she goes I mean blind....lol. I just thought it was sooooo funny!! 8-)

Sickness arrives again

Breanne woke up yesterday morning throwing up. It is harder when you are a single parent trying to do everything including taking kids to school. She ended up throwing up in the car while we were picking up Cam. Luckily I took the bucket with. Thank goodness. My friend and neighbor took Cam to school which was such a big help so that she didn't end up throwing up twice in the car...lol. I do have a picture to put up but my other computer doesn't have internet and that is where I upload the photos. I am bummed cause I pretty much have to wait for my hubby to come home to fix it. The life without him. UGH! It is getting harder and harder. The kids are for sure struggling more this week. I just can't wait for it all to be over and we live there with him again. Today is better. Breanne still stayed home from school since she threw up at 3:30 yesterday. They have to be vomit for 24 hours. She is better but an extra day of rest might be good for her. Well I ended up figuring out how to get the pics on to this computer. So here is a picture of poor Bre yesterday trying to sleep. AAAWWWWWW!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kid's class pics 2009/2010 school year

Breanne is in 1st grade and Cam is in 3rd. What a great school and a great group of kids. It has been a great year and we are all sad to be leaving the school. The kids have made lots of friends that will be missed. I hope that next year will be as good as this one has been. 8-)

Kid's Art

Cam's awesome trace job. He really enjoys tracing things. He did a good job!!
Breanne made this for daddy when he came home this weekend.
Breanne made this in school and it got hung up in some museum for like a month. Pretty cool!

Please fart in the bathroom please!!!

So tonight I was coming out of my room when I saw this on Breanne's bedroom door. She told me that Cam & Daddy always fart in her room so she had to put up a sign to make them stop. She wanted me to take video of her talking about it. So that is what I did. I am sure Sean will be real happy with me for posting this but it was waaayyyyy to funny to pass up. Love you babe!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Total Makeover

This is our first week without Sean. It is going ok so far. I am missing him like crazy though. Over the weekend we went to see Sean's Great Aunt Carol. She is just so sweet. We really enjoyed our time with her. She gave Breanne the wig that she is wearing and of course she LOVES it. She ended up wearing it through the whole mall which had everyone looking at us. LOL. It was funny.
Breanne has been spoiled since daddy is gone and has been sleeping in my bed. She is absolutely loving every minute of it. She sleeps with me every night. I don't mind it either. As long as she stays on her side we are good to go. Sometimes I wake up to feet right in my stomach or something. LOL.
Today Breanne got her tooth fixed finally. It looks so much better. I hated that tooth being broken. I put a before & after picture for you to see. They did a great job and you can't even tell that it isn't real. I am very happy with it. 8-)

Sleeping BeautyBefore

Sunday, May 9, 2010

So it starts.....

So today Sean officially left for Ephrata. He starts his job tomorrow. He is really looking forward to his new job. I am so sad to see him leave. I know it will probably fly by. I am just sad that we have to be apart for the next two months. It is exactly 54 days and we will be moving there. I am soooooo excited.

I had the best Mother's Day today. Sean made me breakfast right when I woke up. French toast my favorite! Then he went and got me a coffee. He is soooo sweet. Then I got to open my cards and gifts. Breanne made me a vase that you hang on the wall with a fake flower to go inside. It is very pretty with glitter and everything. Cameron sent me a letter in the mail from school. It said that I was the best mom in the universe. He thanked me for all that I do for him. It totally melted my heart. It was so sweet. Sean got me a charm necklace that I have been really wanting. It has all of their birthstones in it. It was really cool. You can buy more charms for it as well. I also got my favorite candy and a bath and body works gift card. We spent the middle of the day doing laundry and packing for Sean to leave. Then we went out to dinner at Red Robin. I got to choose. It was really good. Then we came home and said our goodbyes to Sean since he had to leave. :-( It was a great day though. One that I won't forget anytime soon.

We get to see Sean next Friday so we only have to go 5 days this first time without seeing him. Josh and Jill are coming this way and offered to bring him along and drop him off. I can't wait! Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's out there! I hope your day was as special as mine. 8-)

Monday, May 3, 2010

My favorite commercial ever!!

I had to post this video also. I am sure everyone has seen this but it still makes me crack up everytime I see it....LOL!! ENJOY!

All of Creation by "Mercy Me"

I really like this song and just wanted to share with everyone that wants to listen. 8-)

Our visit to Silverdale

Saturday we met up with an old family friend of Dale's (my brother). Sheila and her family. She has 3 boys right around our kids age and then her husband has a daughter Breanne's age. We first picked my mom up from the Bremerton ferry and then drove to her house. We had a great visit at her house. We then all went to Poulsbo where there is a nice shopping center there. They have a great bakery and an awesome ice cream shop. We of course had to go into both and get some goodies. Sheila showed us where she works also. We stayed behind for a little longer since my mom wanted to look in some shops. After, we rode the ferry back to Seattle with my mom. We did that for the kids just because it can be fun. We haven't done it in awhile. Now that we are moving we probably won't do it for a long time. It was a loooonnnnngggg day but we had a great time. One more weekend left before my hubby leaves to start his new job. I am sad and not looking forward to this time apart. I know it will go by fast and then we will be moving soon. I am looking forward to our summer! It has been so nice to have some great weekends with the family. I feel really blessed!!