Sunday, July 18, 2010

Graham crackers, marshmellows, & chocolate......OH MY!!!

My mom came down this weekend again. She has been wanting to go swimming but the last time she came here the weather didn't cooperate. This time it did thank goodness! :-) We went swimming on Saturday with everyone. Of course we all had fun. The kids are sure surprising me. They are totally learning how to swim. I mean they aren't close to being able to go in the deep end or anything but they have really came a long way in the short time that we have been here. I am really proud of both of them. Saturday night after dinner we had a fire outback and made smores. That was fun. It was hot outside so it melted the chocolate before we put the marshmellow on the graham cracker. Sean and my mom said they were the best smores they have ever had. I think it was because of how melted the chocolate was. It was like dripping off the cracker. Of course I am not big on chocolate so I just ate roasted marshmellows which was yummy to me. We had a great weekend!! I am bummed it is over already. Sean will be taking some vacation time soon. I am really looking forward to that.

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