Sunday, April 3, 2011

9 more days....REALLY??

Wow it is really really hard to believe we are getting as close as we are. A week from tomorrow night I will be in the hospital about to have this baby. We will not be getting induced until the next day. My emotions are just crazy right now thinking about it. So happy to finally be meeting her and finally getting her out of my belly. I just still can't believe I am about to be a mother of 3. I am about to have another child to love and care for. The kids are soooo excited for her to be here as well. You can tell they are having a little bit of a hard time with the change that is coming but they are very excited! We have been soooo busy lately with soccer. Finally next week things get to calm down a little. It is spring break. Bre doesn't have practice until Friday. Cam is supposed to have it tomorrow but not sure he will make it. We are supposed to go to Spokane for the day with Jill and the kids. It should be lots of fun. Cam is starting to get sick so I am hoping he stays healthy enough to go. I am looking forward to having a calm week with the kids before the craziness comes the following week.

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