Sunday, May 1, 2011

Welcome Ashlynn Arianna McDaniel

Ashlynn was born @ 10:57 A.M. on 4/13/11. She was 6lbs and 6oz and 19 1/4 inches. She came after a very long labor and a very long day!! We went into the hospital @ 9 am on Tuesday the 12th. They put some medicine in me to induce labor. It is a very slow working medicine. I didn't start having contractions until around 2 pm. They were very consistant about every 2 to 3 min. We did that until 9pm when then took the medicine back out. They had to wait one hour before putting me on pitocin. During that time I was dilated to a 4 so they went ahead and gave me an epidural. I asked for one because my back was killing me and I knew once the pitocin kicked in I was going to be hurting pretty bad! So by the time they gave me that I was nice and numb! So I continued to labor through the night. Up until about 4am when the doctor came in and broke my water. I was not dilating extremely fast like I thought I would. I think I was at a 5 or 6 when they broke my water. I was really getting tired by now. I had been up for 24 hours at this point. It was really hard to sleep that night cause the nurses would come in every 30 min. Finally by 6am I was now a 7. My mom had gone home to my house to sleep. So I decided at that time to call her and have her come back in so she wouldn't miss anything. I thought I would go pretty fast after that. Well I was way wrong. Her head would not come down any lower and I stopped dilating. Ashlynn's heart rate started to drop during my contractions so now I was starting to get scared. They were checking me often but nothing was changing. They started making me change positions often to try and get her head down and also to try and get her heart rate back up. At this point I was thinking I was going to have a c-section. I was really scared!! The lady told me the doctor was on her way in to make a decision of what we needed to do. She came in at 10 and checked me and I was an 8 or a 9. I was so shocked and excited to finally be dilating again. She pushed on Ashlynn's head a little to try and get it to turn a little so it would come down. I was also feeling a lot of pain at this point so they came in and pumped me up with more epidural. By 10:45 I was fully dilated and Ashlynn was born 12 minutes later. I pushed 4 times and she was out. It was sooooo nice to finally have her out and to not have had a c-section. I felt sooooo blessed that I didn't have to go through that. I was purely exhausted and I honestly don't know how I was able to push her out. She has been such a joy to have. The kids are doing so well with her! They both love her to pieces. Sean and I kind of like her too....LOL!! :-) Here are some pics Sean took of Ashlynn at 3 days old. He did a great job!! I was really happy with them.

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