Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pike Place Market

Daddy came home this weekend!! We were so excited to see him again. It has been so nice to see him so often. The days are hard without him. I still didn't spend Mother's Day with my mom so that is what we did yesterday. We were going to ride the duck's in Seattle but it was really expensive. Sooooo we decided to go to the Pike Place Market. We haven't been in a long time so it was fun. It was the perfect day as far as the weather also. It was 70 and sunny out. Not to hot not to cold. We drove down to Seattle and then rode the city bus to the market. It was the kids first time ever doing this. That was fun. The only down fall to riding the bus and just Seattle in general is just seeing the crazys everywhere. People DO NOT watch their mouth or anything else for that matter when they are there. People yelling and cussing all over the place. Anyway it was a really fun day with the family and my mom. We ended it with a nice dinner at Taco Del Mar and then we went home. 27 days left until we move. I can't believe how fast time is going by.

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