Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Our Date"

Sean and I went out last night on our anniversary date. Our anniversary isn't until the 27th but it worked out that my mom could babysit so we went out. We went to our favorite restaurant Jimmy Mac's. We actually went there after our wedding for our dinner. It is so funny to still be going there after all this time. We have actually been going there since I was preggo with Cameron which was 10 years ago. We still love it just as much. We went shopping afterwards. Sean said I could get a pair of pants since I am really needing some clothes. He had a gift card from Christmas but he forgot to bring it with us. We didn't have a whole lot of money so it was hard to figure out other things to do. We were going to go to a movie but it didn't start until way later and we just didn't know what to do for 2 hours. So we ended up at Alki where we were going to walk around and it was absolutely freezing. Sooooo we took some pics and ended up going to my mom's where we were staying the night. I know we are sooooo I still had a great time.
We had a horrible nights sleep with sleeping at my mom's. I don't think that any one of us were comfortable. It was either to hot or to cold. We were up and getting ready to leave by 7 AM. As we were packing up I saw this amazing sunset right outside my mom's living room window. She has a great view of Lake Union. So I grabbed my camera and ran up to the 5th floor where they have a deck that you can go on the roof and look out at the view. I took a ton of beautiful photos of the view. It was absolutely breath taking. I will remember that for a long time. So anyway it made the fact that we were up at the crack of dawn all worth it!! So here are my pictures to share with you.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Beautiful sunset

Friday night there was a beautiful sunset that I caught at just the right time. We don't exactly live in the best place to take pictures of a sunset (for example all of the houses in the way). I still had to take some pictures anyway. Sean works right by the capitol so he was so bummed he didn't have his camera with him because he could have taken some awesome pictures of it. Anyway here is a few that I took.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Odyssey 1

We took the kids to Odyssey 1 yesterday. We were thinking about going to Mt Rainier again to play in the snow but we decided to wait a couple more weeks. Cameron is starting to get to that age where this stuff isn't as fun as it used to be. It is getting hard to find things to do that aren't to expensive. They had fun and played for about 2 hours. They were both tired and hungry. We went to McDonalds for a nice cold ice cream cone and then headed home. Breanne passed out most of the way. Sean didn't get to many pictures because it is really dark in there so it is hard to get anything light enough. So here is just few from yesterday.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Beautiful day in Washington

It has been raining here I think pretty much every day since the new year. I looked up the weather for today and it said rain. Well they lied!! It was a beautiful day. So we decided at 3 to finally get out and enjoy it. We took the kids to a park near by. I wanted to check out the lake for the summer. I was bummed to find out that they don't allow swimming. I have been looking for a lake that is close for the summer to go swimming. I hope that I can eventually find one. Well here are the pictures from today. Sean got some good ones!

Friday, January 8, 2010

More Sean pics

I meant to post these the other day with the Mt. Rainier pics and I forgot. Some cool pics of a waterfall that Sean got on the way up the Mountain.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Our trip to Mt. Rainier

We went to Mt. Rainier yesterday and had so much fun. When we got there it was snowing really heavy. It was very small though but it made it look cloudy because of how heavy it was coming down. As you can see I am sporting a Mt. Rainier thing to cover my ears. I don't have a hat and every time we have went to the mountain I have never needed one. Well the snow that was coming down felt like little pieces of ice slamming into your face. My ears were on fire in like 5 minutes. So thank goodness they had a gift shop and I went and bought one. I felt soooo much better after that. So after that we went and did some sledding. Then Breanne decided she wanted to do the really big one. They stood in line for like 30 minutes just to go down one time. That was way to long to go again. So we went back to the truck to warm up and have a snack. After that we went on a really awesome hike through the snow. It was so fun. They make this trail that takes you way up there. We could have kept going but the trail got so thin and the drop was huge. I am really paranoid and afraid of heights so we decided to head back down. It was really fun and the snow got even deeper up there. It was cool on the trees. We decided to run back to the truck and grab the sleds for about 30 more min. of sledding before we headed home. It was getting dark and they close the gate at the bottom at 6. It takes a good hour to get down all the way. We had a great time and we are planning on going back at least once more before the snow melts. It was a great family day!! I put a couple of videos of the kids sledding on here also. ENJOY!