Friday, October 15, 2010

Baby McD

Today didn't start off so well. I woke up and got the kids off to school this morning. I came home and went to the bathroom and realized that I was spotting. Of course it scared the crap out of me. I immediately called the doc. and it was to early. So I went and took a fast shower since I figured they would want me to come in. I called after I got out and found out that she isn't in on Fridays. Well of course not why would she be in on the day I need her. UGH!! So I ended up going in to the ER to get checked. They made sure that my cervix wasn't opened and did an u/s. Everything looks ok. The baby had a good HR and was moving around. I am left with nothing for the whole weekend. I was told I am on bed rest for the weekend. I have to go to the doc on Monday for a follow up appt. As of right now I have stopped spotting. I am cramping some and not loving that since it makes me worry. I am just hoping and praying that everything is ok with baby. Please say a prayer for us that baby is ok. The good news is we got to see the baby on a good u/s machine. He/she has gotten so much bigger. Here is a pic that we got today. I am 13 weeks and 4 days.

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