Monday, April 12, 2010

Daffodil Parade

Saturday we went to the Daffodil Parade. We went two years ago and the weather was just awesome. This time it was much colder out. The sun was shining but we happened to be in the shade so it made it even colder. We still had a great time watching. It is probably our last year going since we are moving so I really wanted to go. We ended up at the outlet malls afterwards since they are so close to where we live. We haven't been there in years actually. We enjoyed looking through the stores and then had dinner. That was a long day but so much fun! Sunday we pretty much relaxed all day since we had been going on week for spring break. I think the kids had a great time and hopefully are ready to go back to school. Just a couple more months and they will be done. It has just flown by! We are moving probably the first weekend of July so only about two weeks after school is all done. Less than 3 months away for that. 8-)

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