Friday, April 9, 2010

Children's Museum and Reptiles

This week has been the kid's spring break. I tried to make it a pretty busy week for the kids. Monday we went to Charlie's Safari. That was fun. Thursday we went to the Children's museum because they were having reptiles there. The kids seem to have a lot of fun. Cam got to hold a snake and they got to touch lots of cool things. It was really fun. Today we went to Puyallup and hung out with Emily all day. I have lots of pics from today that I will post later. I am tired and ready for bed. I just feel like I am falling behind and wanted to actaully get a couple done tonight. It has been a great week with the kids. To bad Sean couldn't have taken the week off of work to be with us. We got to go see How to train a Dragon in 3D Thursday night with him. That was nice.

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