Sunday, August 14, 2011

Back from Iowa (46/100)

We are back from Iowa. All around it was a great trip. It was sooooo busy but we had a lot of fun. Here are the rest of the pics that I haven't posted yet on my blog. So these 1st pics is of this cave in Anamosa, IA where my brother lives. The kids went all the way back till they couldn't go back anymore. The pics of Breanne with a dog (Buddy), this was like her best friend while we were there. She was outside with him everyday. There were a few times when I would go into the bathroom (the window looks out in the yard where Buddy is), Breanne was talking to him and petting him. It was just soooooo cute. She is going to miss him lots. The last pics are of us on our way home. We were in the airport wasting time. I had the kids wear their "Iowa" shirts home! What a great vacation! :-)

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