Saturday, September 11, 2010

Soccer Games

Cam and Breanne both had a game this morning. It worked out really well it was one right after the other. They both played awesome. Cam had a really hard team to play against. It was a fun game to watch though. Both teams played well. It was still 0-0 at half time. By the end of the game the other team won 2-1. I think we did great. Bre's team dominated most of the game. Then the other team came back around at the end and tied it up. So her game was 7-7. They both won their first games. This is such a crazy time with practice 4 nights a week plus 2 games a week. I love it watching their games though. It is so fun. I enjoy it over here so much more because in Oly it was raining for a lot of the games and we would have to sit out in it. It doesn't do that much here so our odds are good. Here are a few pics Sean got of the kids playing.

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