Thursday, August 26, 2010

First day of school 2010/2011

Oh my GOSH!! My kids are in 4th and 2nd grade. My first real year I remember is 2nd grade. I can't believe how fast time is flying by. We went to open house last night. It went really well. I like both of their teachers. I feel like they both are totally into volunteers so I will get to be at the school a lot. I think both kids like their teachers also. Breanne's teacher actually asked me last night to volunteer today. I was so excited to get to be there on her first day of school. Her teacher last year never ONE time asked me to volunteer even though I offered more than once. So I am really excited about this school year. The kids both seemed happy when I dropped them off. I know Cam was really nervous. I think more than Breanne was. Breanne actually knew a couple of kids in her class from soccer. Cam didn't. I know he will be just fine and have a great day. I know he is going to meet some really great friends. The last several days have been so crazy. Just trying to prepare for school starting. I took the kids to the pool yesterday for their final swim for the summer. It was really hot out so it was a great thing to do before school started. They have soccer practice M-Thurs every week with games on Saturday. So it has been very busy. I love being a mommy and I wouldn't change it for a thing! :-)

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