Thursday, August 26, 2010

First day of school 2010/2011

Oh my GOSH!! My kids are in 4th and 2nd grade. My first real year I remember is 2nd grade. I can't believe how fast time is flying by. We went to open house last night. It went really well. I like both of their teachers. I feel like they both are totally into volunteers so I will get to be at the school a lot. I think both kids like their teachers also. Breanne's teacher actually asked me last night to volunteer today. I was so excited to get to be there on her first day of school. Her teacher last year never ONE time asked me to volunteer even though I offered more than once. So I am really excited about this school year. The kids both seemed happy when I dropped them off. I know Cam was really nervous. I think more than Breanne was. Breanne actually knew a couple of kids in her class from soccer. Cam didn't. I know he will be just fine and have a great day. I know he is going to meet some really great friends. The last several days have been so crazy. Just trying to prepare for school starting. I took the kids to the pool yesterday for their final swim for the summer. It was really hot out so it was a great thing to do before school started. They have soccer practice M-Thurs every week with games on Saturday. So it has been very busy. I love being a mommy and I wouldn't change it for a thing! :-)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Weekend of fun!

My friend Marika and her 4 kiddos came over last weekend. It was a lot of fun. We spent most of Sunday at the pool. All the kids had a blast!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Silverwood Theme Park

Last Tuesday and Wednesday we went to Silverwood Theme Park. We told the kids that we were going shopping far away. We packed up the car and left early. We told them that we might stay in a hotel on our way back because we would be to tired to drive back. We stopped at the hotel on the way there to get the tickets to the park. It was a package deal with the hotel. I went in to get them and then we drove to Silverwood. As we were driving up the kids were like wow that looks cool. Oh hey that is They have seen the commercials. Anyway it took them a minute even after we drove into the parking lot to figure it out but they did. They were so excited that we were there. We had a lot of fun. Cam went on his first upside down rollercoaster. I was so proud of him. I really didn't think he would go on it. He gladly did and then was pumped and we went on it again and again. LOL. He was willing to go on the biggest one there but he is so short for his age that he ended up being to little. I was bummed. If we decide to go next year I think he would be able to go on it then. They have a big water park and then the other side with all the rides. It was a lot of fun!! I got very few pictures which is weird for me but the camera was in the locker almost the whole time. Sucks but thats ok. The last picture is the view from our hotel room. We were on the river in Post Falls, ID. It was really pretty!