Friday, September 9, 2011

Wow I am slacking!!! (58/100)

I have been slacking badly on blogging everyday like I thought I was going to do. I have been so super busy with work, baby, and the kids starting school. I am trying to get back to doing it everyday. "Trying" is the key word there. I hope I can keep up now. We shall see.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

First day of School (56/100)

I sorta cheated with these pictures. They are actually the second day of school. Cam is in a new school this year so I didn't know how much time it would take to get him and Breanne to school. They start at the same time but the schools are across town from eachother (which isn't far....LOL). So anyway I was so worried about timing and getting them there on time that I forgot to bring my camera. My friend got some pictures of Breanne on her first day at the school. I still need to get them from her. So here are the pics. They are big 5th and 3rd graders this year. :-)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back in the day (55/100)

Cam was 19 months old in these pictures. This is him throwing a fit for some reason. He threw them often. They just crack me!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ear Piercing (54/100)

We got her ears pierced on 8/28/11. She did so good. The first picture was a before picture. I didn't do an after right away cause she was upset. She calmed down super fast and did great. I had a lot of guilt at first for doing it and then after it was all over I am happy I did it. Now they are done and over with. I remember being happy I did Breanne's this young as well. Breanne was 2 months old when we did hers. The last two pictures are with the girls and their earings. It might be hard to see unless you make the picture bigger.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

This picture makes me laugh 53/100

I love how her head is just laying Just wanted to share this. :-)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Rolling all over the place (51/100)

Ashlynn rolled over on 8/11/11 for the first time. Then she stopped and started again on 8/19/11. Since then she has been rolling like crazy. I swear this girl will be on the move very soon! We are planning on buying a gate here pretty soon for our stairs. She is a busy girl!! Here is some video. She is so cute! :-)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Half way there (50/100)

I am half way through my 100 posts. I am so glad I did this because it forces me to post often. With a new baby and a busy job it has for sure been harder than I thought it would be to keep up. I am hoping by the time it is over I can keep up with posting often. Here are some pictures that Sean took back in July. He and Josh went out to do some photos. I thought they turned out pretty nice.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Emily is here to visit again!! :-) (49/100)

We had so much fun when Emily came. It was so nice to see her 3 times this summer. We probably won't see eachother again until next summer and I can't wait. It makes me sad though. Here are our pictures from her being here!